Memories 5-6 months:
Rosey, red chapped cheeks.
Drool and a red chin to prove it!
Sitting up all the time.
Baths in the sink instead of the tub because he won't lay down any longer in the bath to bathe:).
Yelling, just to yell.
Laughs and giggles when we hide and say "boo!"
So assertive about needs and wants
Grabs at anything in his reach
So far he has eaten avocado, sweet potato, butternut squash, oats, bananas, carrots (that his dad pureed)
Likes his car seat, the cover makes it warm and comfy
Loves going places especially in his Baby Bjorn
Wakes up at night and drinks a bottle
I stopped nursing about 5 1/2 months
Wakes in the morning and happily plays in his crib
Loves to snuggle in our bed in the morning on the weekends until 8:30-9:00