Friday, December 27, 2013

6 months

Bennett B turned 6 months and these are some things he's up to!
1. Sitting up!
2. Eating solids. So far he's eaten sweet potatoes, peas and pears. He loves pears and really prefers his food warm. We continued the tradition of sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving just like his big bro.
3. Bennett's tongue hangs out of his mouth in the sweetest way while doing most things (smiling, playing, talking).
4. He loves to chew on his Nuby ring
5. At his last appointment he was 50th percentile in weight (17ish pounds), 85th percentile in height and 98th percentile in head size.
6. I have to trim his hair often around his ears and in the front. His hair is blonde and feels like silk.
7. 2 naps most days around 10 and 2.
8. Still nursing (50% breast milk and 50% formula).
9. Loves to play with Paxton's toys and is all about reaching for them and taking them from Paxton.
10. Loves Looking out the back window, he finds it calming.
11. Every night before bed I read to him from an anthology of nursery rhymes.
12. Hasn't rolled over and I don't know that he every will...
13. So very vocal, lots of different sounds, and volume of sound. I swear he is singing most of the day.
14. Loves to play peekaboo.
15. Loves spending time with his brother.

Bennett playing with his cousin Jordan on Thanksgiving

Morning cartoons are the best.  Handy Manny is the cartoon of choice these days.

Hanging with Uncle Jim.  Uncle Jim always makes him smile.

Dressed up for a Christmas Open House to raise money for  kids!

Christmas Time

The events leading up to Christmas are my favorite. We've had lots of fun so far this year. Christmas in the Sky, Christmas in the Park, Santa at Home Depot, Santa at Bass Pro, Gingerbread house making, work Christmas parties. This year we did the Elf On the Shelf who Paxton named "Apple because he is red." He appears every morning doing silly things, it makes Paxton laugh, but he is not super into it. He totally understands that Santa brings him a present and this year he asked for "a choo choo please!" Paxton was not interested in sitting on his lap so we talked him into standing beside him, which he did, and afterwards he said "I was really brave to stand by Santa!" Just today he asked me if Santa was real!?! It shocked me, but not too much, he's a sharp little dude.
Below are pictures of some Decemberness.

Sutton, Paxton and Bennett matching christmas jammies for Christmas in the sky.

Snuggling in the back of the car while waiting for fireworks for Christmas in the Sky.

Santa at Home Depot.  

Date night to FCI Christmas Party.

Emma and Paxton watching the lights in the back of our car at Christmas in the Park. 

Santa at Bass Pro.