Sunday, October 13, 2013

Musical Soul? Or Future Chef?

I don't think I've blogged about Paxton's love for instruments and music. I was reminded today of his love for playing music when he got out his book Wheels on the Bus, turned to the back to the musical notes, grabbed his piano and started singing away "the wheels on the bus!"
In his toy box in the living room we have a guitar and ukulele that he plays daily. I would say his favorite "top 40's hit" is Justin Timberlakes song "suit and tie." Most of the time he is singing the happy birthday or ABC song.
He also loves to bake and cook. He is involved in cooking most of our meals and we bake at least once a week. Ashley involves him in cooking lots of the meals too. Sometimes, on a lazy Sunday, he makes his own creation for lunch. The picture below is an example of a lunch Paxton made (he spreads the PB and cuts the bananas himself.)!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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