You just turned 1 year old two weeks ago, and I've got to tell you, you're more fun than ever. It seems like everyday you are doing something you weren't doing the day before. Just yesterday, you started "stomping" on command! A day before that, you probably hadn't even heard the word. Now, I am not sure where stomping falls in the "proper development" timeline, but it makes us both laugh and that is "proper" in my book.
So right now, you're at my favorite age. However, I must admit I felt this way when you were 7 months and 10 months old, so I should probably keep a list and rank them. Any age prior to 4 months....those didn't make make the list.
It boils down to this buddy; Everyday you are turning more and more into a little man and not so much a baby. While your mom may wish you stay a baby for awhile longer, I am loving the new adventures each day brings as I watch you learn the world around you. Some days, it's just nice to sit back and enjoy it!
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