Thursday, June 30, 2011

Paxton's Buddy Jensen

Jensen is Paxton's buddy.  They are about 7 weeks apart!  We planned to take a picture of them in their matching outfits, however our dryer broke (but Bob fixed it!) and so his little outfit wasn't dry which explains why his clothes are laying over him instead of on him :). 

Paxton 2 weeks and 2 days and Jensen 9 weeks

Friday, June 24, 2011

Play Date at Cheryls

I got out of the house by myself for the first time and went to Steph's mom's pool.  Paxton didn't swim but he enjoyed the company of his buddies Emma and Evan!

Emma (7 months), Evan (3 months), Paxton (2 weeks and 1 day)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

1 Week Old

Week 1:
Paxton's favorite things include sucking on pinkie fingers, listening to the shower, pacing the house in his Dad's arms, going on walk in his stroller and swaddling.  Paxton loves to be held and rarely likes to sit in his swing or vibrating chair. 
Biggest Challenge: Breastfeeding and Paxton sleeping somewhere else other than our bed.
Since we have been home a cardinal has been flying into our back window and sliding door constantly! He leaves red berry juice all over window and glass door. We find it funny that of all the years we have lived here we have never had that happen until we are both home 24 hours a day!

We couldn't get him to calm down :(.

Lots of Firsts

My mom and step dad planted a hydrangea plant in Paxton's honor! 

We were so emotional our first hour home!  We couldn't believe that Paxton was our baby!

First Bath

First walk
First playdate with Fellow Babies.  Jensen (7 weeks), Brielle (3), Henry (3), Hudson (5) and Paxton (6 days)

Our little family!

Paxton Robert Welch

Our sweet little guy arrived early on June 8th at 12:43 pm weighing 6 lbs and 12 ounces and measuring 19 1/4 inches long.

Paxtons Birth Story:  (This is really for me and maybe for Pax if he's interested in his birth story someday!)
Bob and I went to a doctor's appointment on Monday June 6th.  At the appointment Dr. Halberstadt suggested that we induce because she was following him so closely during biophysical and the concern about whether he was growing sufficiently.  The doctor was concerned because the external measurements of my uterus never matched the number of weeks I was pregnant, as a matter of fact, at my 39 week appointment my external measurements indicated that I was 32 weeks pregnant.
After the decision was made to induce we began the process the night of Tuesday, June 7th.  By early morning June 8th my water broke, contractions started and by 11:00 I was dilated to a 9.  At 12:43 our little guy came into the world and he came after only 8 pushes.  Bob and I describe the delivery as such a peaceful experience!

I cannot express how lucky we feel to have a healthy baby boy.  We waited a very long time to have Paxton and now that we have him, we wouldn't have it any other way.  We feel as if our little family is complete. 

Ride home from the hospital

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Smokin' on the Summit

Donkey Punch had a BBQ contest this weekend in conjunction with Lee's Summit Downtown Days.  It was HOT!!  However, that didn't stop the team from having lots of fun, food, drinks and friends the Friday night before the meat was due to turn in.  Speaking of turning in wasn't their best showing.  They didn't place in the top 10 for any category of meat. Oh well, Friday night was still fun and the pictures below prove it (minus the train and HEAT!).

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lauren's Shower and Bachelorette Party

Lauren's is getting married in 3 weeks! We had her shower and bachelorette party this past weekend! We ate dinner at Gordon Biersch at Power & Light and then went to Howl at the Moon!  Bob and I are little nervous that Paxton may not arrive until well after his June 10th due date.  My doctor will let me go as long as 2 weeks after my due date and Bob and I are not in favor of induction.  So, the later in June Paxton arrives, the harder it is to be part of all of Lauren's wedding festivities!

LOVE this picture!!

The cake, at the shower,  looked identical to the wedding invitations!!!

Last Day of School Flash Mob Dance

I work with the BEST teachers and for fun on the last day of school, after the kids got on the buses, we all permformed a flash mob dance to the song "Schools out for Summer!"  It was SO fun and the kids loved it.