Saturday, December 31, 2011

Crown Center

It is a tradtion that my mom, sister and I visit Crown Center every year for Christmas.  It started when we were little.  We would visit Santa, walk around, and eat dinner at the Hyatt Terrace (I still can't believe it is not the Hyatt any longer).  The tradition evolved as we got older to eating sushi at Crown Center and shopping at Victoria Secret or Finishings for Her.  Now that Madilyn and Paxton come along, we visit the Crayloa store, walk around and this year we ate Milano. 

Why are my pictures sideways??

Best Christmas Ever

Sweetest Christmas present we ever received!

Christmas at Grandma Dena's house.  He giggled and played with Jackson and Abby! 

Counsins at Papaw and Mama Neece's Christmas!
Christmas at Nancy's.  Surprisingly Paxton partied until 11:00.  Seriously, wasn't fussy, he enjoyed every minute of it!

All of his Christmas presents (and we didn't purchase one of them).  This makes me wonder if we are teaching him the true meaning of Christmas?  We will need to work on that in the future. One thing is for sure, he is a lucky little guy! 

Our Christmas morning surprise for Paxton was a ball pit (Jami-I stole the idea from you!) Also, he's wearing a one piece swimsuit to prepare for his upcoming swim lessons!!  I had no idea that they made one piece swimsuits for boys, but I love it!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Grandpa Welch's 80th Birthday

Grandpa Welch turned 80 and we celebrated at Kobe.

Pax was cheering the Cowboys to a victory in his Cowboys gear and he loved watching the chef cook in front of us!

"Happy Birthday to you.."

Saturday, December 17, 2011

LFD Family Christmas

The Gilder's hosted LFD Family Christmas and it is ALWAYS so much fun, good food, good drinks and good company!

Cousin LOVE

Madilyn is patting his head saying, "It will be okay!" because Pax is starting to get upset.

The same weekend we went to First Baptist Church to watch First Christmas which is an awesome Christmas production!  Grandpa Dick came with us!  Paxton really seemed to enjoy all the music, lights and people.  We have started a new tradition with Grandpa Dick! We love having them in Kansas City!

LFD Christmas Lunch

LFD has a Christmas BBQ (yup, hamburgers in the middle of December!) and Paxton had the opportunity to see Santa again.  This time, he could keep his hands of his beard!

6 Months Old

Memories 5-6 months:
Rosey, red chapped cheeks.
Drool and a red chin to prove it!
Sitting up all the time.
Baths in the sink instead of the tub because he won't lay down any longer in the bath to bathe:).
Yelling, just to yell.
Laughs and giggles when we hide and say "boo!"
So assertive about needs and wants
Grabs at anything in his reach
So far he has eaten avocado, sweet potato, butternut squash, oats, bananas, carrots (that his dad pureed)
Likes his car seat, the cover makes it warm and comfy
Loves going places especially in his Baby Bjorn
Wakes up at night and drinks a bottle
I stopped nursing about 5 1/2 months
Wakes in the morning and happily plays in his crib
Loves to snuggle in our bed in the morning on the weekends until 8:30-9:00

Friday, December 9, 2011

Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

We told Santa he was really good this year!

Waiting in line!

Paxton's Christmas Tree for his room!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rub-a-dub-dub Paxton in the tub

He doesn't like to lay in the tub any longer. I am trying to get creative about helping him sit up!