Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Newborn and Family Pictures

This little Bennett melts my heart!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

So far, having two sweet boys has been incredible! An incredible amount of work and an incredible joy!! It's impossible not be in love with our sweet Bennett. I wish I could hold him all day long!!!
Just some pictures of the blissful moments, it's hard to capture the chaotic moments!:)

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Each night before we put Pax to bed we ask what he's grateful for that day...just the other night I heard him tell Bob he is grateful for the following things:

1. Eating

2. Vacuum

3. Neeewww coffe maker

He makes me smile!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Brotherly LOVE

Having a newborn and a 2 year old can be challenging, and so rewarding at the same time. Paxton has two true loves in his life, mowing and baby. In his sleep the only words I have ever heard him say aremow and baby. When he wakes he asks about baby and to go outside. Pax smothers Bennett with kisses and helps with baths, diaper changes, etc. Below are some pictures of these sweet brothers. Also are pictures of cousin love with Sutton and Madilyn.

Bennett James Welch

There is nothing better than a sweet Bennett. He came into this world with a full head of light brown hair weighing 8.6lbs and 21 inches long. After waiting 8 days past my due date he arrived on May 29th at 2:30 pm. During delivery the cord wrapped around his neck causing the doctor to pull the cord off his neck and the cord burst. The doctor clamped the cord quickly and Bennett is just fine! But he made quite the entry into the world!
My two boys don't look very similar. We believe Bennett has my nose but otherwise we are not sure who he resembles. But his hair, it's so soft, I can't keep my hands from touching it constantly!
I can't believe we have two boys, we feel like the luckiest parents and oh the fun we will have with these two guys! But for now, our lives are consumed with nursing and hair dryers as that is what keeps Bennett happy!
Below are pictures of him on his birthday!