Wednesday, July 8, 2015


May was a crazy GOOD month for us! On May 7th we closed on our new house and said goodbye to 1341 SE Dalton Drive. It was bittersweet to leave a house Paxton and Bennett spent the first years of their lives and a place where we have many memories! The weeks leading up to the move were super stressful and busy making final decision on the house and repairs to the ceilings in our old house. But we made it, barely, and moving to a brand new house is a good problem to have!

May also included a natural disaster training for Bob in Emmetsburg, MD at the Internation Fire Academy. He spent 12 days at his training and spent time traveling around Baltimore and D.C. 

Summer started the day before Bob returned from his training and it is a slice of heaven. Uninterrupted time with the boys, Bob, family and friends is what makes me the most fulfilled. There is no rushing, no schedules and time to play!

Bennett also turned 2 in May! We celebrated his love for trains! I am going to do another post about B's birthday and who he is at 2!