Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break

A whole week off from work was incredible! Despite the rain M-F we still managed to have fun! Some highlights of our week..

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa! One of my all time favorite pictures!

This picture is pretty sweet too!

Playing at Kidzone with his JWE buddies!!

Visiting Auntie at her work.

Playing at Evan and Ethan's house!

Emma came too and they were both obsessed with the dogs!

Snuggling his cousin ( his ballerina cousin!)

Playing at the park and riding in a coupe car for the first time..

Thanks to some help from dad!

Dinner at Aunt Ashley and Uncle Nathan's and Pax provided some musical entertainment.

Playing with his cousin Chloe!

AND best of all Paxton started taking a few steps at Aunt Ashley and Uncle Nathan's and since that Saturday night of spring break he is taking 6-7 steps at a time!! It's hard to believe he is walking.
Bob and I also got sucked into the Hunger Games book, did some serious work on the patio, and had a nice night out to dinner!

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Evan is 1 years old

Evan turned 1 and we celebrated at Pizza Shoppe. Paxton enjoyed seeing all of his buddies and he also enjoyed pushing a chair back and forth down the hallway over and over. I would be embarrassed to admit the amount of Diet Coke I consumed on this day to keep up with him!

He is a party animal!!!

Emma looking cool. Paxton and Emma kissed and hugged many times!!

I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of Evan!!?

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St. Patrick's Day Parade

It was a beautiful day for the parade! Pax ate lots of puffs and watched the parade from his stroller. If given the chance he would have crawled everywhere!

Corinne, Jude, Nikki, Emma, Sis and Cousin Madilyn with front row seats!

We are family..!!

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9 months old

Paxton at 9 months
He is signing "more" (squeezes hands together) and "all done"(waves arms rapidly)
He waves bye, bye when he is happy, sad, mad and to say goodbye
Crawling like crazy, his little knees are red
Standing on his own for minutes at a time
Loves the books You are My Sunshine, Peekaboo Baby and any book that involves animals
Loves to swing at the park
Loves to stand on the bridge at the park
Very aggressive an assertive with other kids and what he wants/likes
Sits and stands up in his crib
Still snuggles in our bed in the morning and sleeps for another hour or so

Reading You Are My Sunshine and flipping the pages of the book!

Loves to eat!! Notice the cut above his left eye. He has many, many bruises from his crawling and standing adventures.

Loves to stand and look out windows and doors

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The Perfect Sunday!

Last weekend was just perfect. Bob didn't work the entire weekend and the weather on Sunday was warm. We went to lunch, the Home and Garden Show and then to the park.
Pictures from the park...

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