Sunday, February 24, 2013

First official haircut

Paxton's hair was long. So long in fact, that last Sunday at the park 3 moms called him a girl. In that moment, at the park, I knew it was time to get his haircut. Plus, his hair was required lots of work, tons of conditioner to brush through and we felt it necessary to wet and comb his hair before we left the house because his hair had a mind of its own.
We went to Great Clips without knowing who could be cutting his hair and it was a great experience and his hair is tame and still blonde and curly!


Snow Days!

We have about 8 inches of snow which turned our weekend into a 4 day weekend. Best of all, Bob only worked 1 day of the 4 days! We made cookies, spent 3 hours at Paradise Park and sledding of course! Bob and I also had a date night! We also did a lot of relaxing...naps along with Pax everyday!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Pax has summersaults all figured out and today at library he did one right in the middle of library class!

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Visit to the fire station

Highlights of the fire station trip include Pax playing in the workout room, sharpening a pencil in the automatic pencil sharpener and long hallways for Pax to show off his newly acquired skill of galloping!


Everything turns into a smoothie maker. This is a pretty good example of the "perfect" smoothie maker.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Making the best of the winter months

Pax loves the water! He has started swimming in his tub on his belly. So we headed to Legacy for some fun in the water and the kid loves it! So do we, Bob and I find ourselves smiling the entire time because P is having so much fun.

We have had random warm weather days, so warm that we have walked to the park. In the pictures below P is showing off!

Something not to forget and is too funny about Paxton is his obsession with eating and making smoothies. He makes smoothies in the bath, on his dinner plate, while playing in his kitchen, just about anywhere!

Serious bed head

Pax spent the night at Ashley and Uncles while Bob was at the fire station and I went out out of town for a work conference. Ashley sent this hilarious picture of Paxton after he awoke from his nap. #seriousbedhead

January in pictures