Friday, September 27, 2013

We love fireman!

What is better to a 2 year old boy than having a fireman for a dad? Nothing. Often I see Paxton pretending to hold a hose and making a sound like water spraying from the hose "he's putting the fire out!" He plays fire trucks at least 2-3 times a day and chooses "fire truck books" to read over most books. Tonight, at bed, when I asked him what he is thankful for he said "hoses for Daddy!"
At our visit the guys were testing the hoses. Paxton was able to help the guys carry the hoses and he smiled the entire time. The guys were giving him high fives, seriously he loved it. Bennett and I watched the guys do all the hard work.
I am having serious mom guilt because this is Bennett's first fire station visit and I didn't get a picture of him, my excuse is I'm always holding the sweet guy and taking pictures. I will get more pictures of him in the future, if you can pry him out of my arms!!


I dreamed about taking both boys to the zoo many times this summer. I thought, I have a double stroller so I can strap both guys in and we would admire the elephants for hours, but then reality set in. The first weeks of Bennett's life he spent crying or nursing so the zoo was out of the question. Now B is happy as a clam to get out of the house and we are too. I think this is what makes this zoo trip so special, we can do these things as a family of 4, we can enjoy it and it will only get better!
When I asked Paxton his favorite animal he wanted to spend time watching he said, "elephants!" We spent lots of time admiring the cement mixer working on the penguin exhibit!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Little B is 3 months!!!

This guy is ticklish, so ticklish everywhere. Even when he is not being tickled he smiles just seeing our faces. There is nothing better than simply making eye contact with your baby and he smiles. If he's not smiling he is talking, I think one night he babbled to my Grandpa for a good 20 minutes.
Bob and I keep saying we turned a corner the minute Bennett turned 3 months. Maybe he is more content, maybe we are better at juggling 2, maybe we are less sleep deprived (he sleeps 7-5 most nights!!)? Whatever it is, it's better! Just last week we took him out of his swing for naps and bed time and put him in his crib, and he slept! Bob sold the swing on Craigslist the next day (he doesn't waste time) and I felt a sad, because we are done, done with a swing, done with a sweet newborn occupying the swing. Just another reason to cherish the time when Bennett is little! Below are Pictures of Little B at 2-3 months!